A spaceman stranded on an inhospitable planet desperately tries to make his way back to his ship. This is the premise that kicks off A Space Tale, an animated graphic novel that combines the dynamic storytelling of comic books with the magic of animation. Each panel features a looping animated sequence, allowing readers to control the pace of their experience. The project was featured in various publications and was shortlisted for Best Web Comic at the prestigious HQ Mix Awards.​​​​​​​
You can experience it here.
Monster animation by Tom Denney
Created and Directed by
Rafael Aflalo 
Original Soundtrack
Moritz Wanger 
Sound Design
Adam Woollacott 
Animated by
Rafael Aflalo
Tom Denney
Luana Goes
Adam Shearwood 
Background Designs
Nadia Dalgaard-Bojsen
Isobel Lester 
Written by
Rafael Aflalo 
Stephen Deas 
Website Developer
Rafael Lohn/Partisan